5 Exercises For Small Waist – Reduce The Waist For Only 15 Minutes Daily Simple Exercises

5 Exercises For Small Waist – Reduce The Waist For Only 15 Minutes Daily Simple Exercises

At the time the figure hourglass again popular and desirable for women.

Many of them, often resort to unhealthy and painful ways to reduce waist because they do not know how to reduce waist differently. They range from wearing corsets for centuries which can create respiratory problems, even to the removal of the ribs with operation.
If you are looking for a way to reduce waist or define it, there is no reason to suffer wearing corset. Just 15 minutes of exercise each day to help you burn fat, muscle tighten and narrowing your waist.
Below, we bring you 5 simple exercises for a narrow waist that you can work at home. Exercises are done 4-5 times a week, by 3 sets.

Tips Before Starting Exercises For Slim Waistline

It’s not enough to just practice unknowingly to get a straight stomach and a tiny waist. Exercise is required to combine with healthy habits in life to make the exercises effective.
In order for the exercises to have the best effect, take care of the diet and try to make it healthier and more balanced. Try to enter more protein, fiber and healthy fats, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Take at least 1.5 L of water a day and keep away from fast food and snacks. Eat more smaller meals a day, so you can go through the day.
With the exercises listed below, you can do other exercises that can help you lose weight and thus achieve a narrow waistline. Cardio exercises such as running, swimming and dancing make it easier to burn fat and can be of great help if you want a narrow waist. It could also be helpful and straightforward abdominal exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Exercise 1.

For this exercise, it is desirable to have a small dumbbells, or even without them. If you use a dumbbell, take it in each hand of the same weight. Stand upright and slowly lower your hands to lower down, tilting that side of the waist to the right.
Return to the upright position and repeat to the left. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Exercise 2.

You need a straight rod for this exercise. Put the rod on your shoulders and hands over it. Spread legs to shoulder level and stand upright, looking forward. Slowly turn the waist from left to right and from right to left.

Exercise 3.

Sit on the back, legs stretched out in front of you. Raise your feet slightly above the floor. You can (but do not have) in the hands hold weights or ball (palms together if you do not use either one).
At the top of the body, turn to the right, holding your feet in the same position. Return the upper part of the body to its original position, so turn it to the left. Repeat 10-15 times on each side.

Exercise 4.

Stand in the position of the quadruped. Put your right hand on your head. Raise your right knee and pull it to the right elbow.
Return to the original position and repeat with your left knee and elbows. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Stand in the position of the quadruped. Put your right hand on your head. Raise your right knee and pull it to the right elbow.
Return to the original position and repeat with your left knee and elbows. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Exercise 5.

Head straight to the right side of the body, ie to the right hip. Relax on the upper part of the body, leaning on the right lacquer.
Raise the pelvis, leaving the feet connected to the floor. Stay 30-60 seconds in that position, so change the side and repeat the exercise.


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